Career Centre

FAQ articles from Programme Management on curriculum-based student service departments.

3rd year bachelor internship cours during block 9&10
In the first half of the 3rd bachelor year you are required to create your own customized programme of 30 EC. In order to do so you can choose to do an inte...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2024 at 3:39 PM
Requirements 3rd year bachelor internship course during block 9 & 10
When searching for an internship, it is important to be aware of the requirements imposed on you as well as the internship position. You can only start an...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2024 at 3:42 PM
Examination Dates 3rd bachelor internship during block 9&10
The information presented here is also included in the Course Manual (AY24/25) which you can find on the Canvas course RSM BSc Internship, https://canvas....
Fri, 19 Apr, 2024 at 2:05 PM
I am from a non-EEA country, am I allowed to have a student job in The Netherlands?
If you are a foreign student (non-EEA) and you have a valid residence permit with the aim to study, you can work alongside your studies. This can be either ...
Wed, 11 May, 2022 at 5:43 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - Register as EEA student
**Application deadline 15 June 2024**  - There are no exceptions It is possible to do an internship after completing your required curriculum when yo...
Wed, 5 Jun, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - How to register your internship
You must register your internship/ your intention to do an internship by 15 June 2024 at the RSM Career Centre through Osiris Case, where you will indicate ...
Fri, 5 Jul, 2024 at 1:10 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - Register as non-EEA student
**Application deadline 15 June 2024**  - There are no exceptions Non-EU/EEA students have the possibility to do an internship after completing their mas...
Wed, 5 Jun, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - Tuition fee during internship
EEA students You pay tuition fee for the months that you are doing an internship. Non-EEA students As RSM acknowledges the importance of an internshi...
Fri, 5 Jul, 2024 at 1:17 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - Can you withdraw
When you would like to withdraw your awarded postponement Active degree issuance you need to do that before 25 July through Osiris Case then your diploma wi...
Fri, 5 Jul, 2024 at 1:19 PM
Postponement Active Degree Issuance - Can I join the MSc Graduation
You can join the MSc Graduation on Saturday 2 November 2024 but you need to register. Please check the following website for more information https://www.r...
Fri, 19 Apr, 2024 at 2:14 PM