As a student at RSM you can submit a request to the Examination Board via the Online Request Form. You will need to select your current study programme and log-in to the page. 

Please note, the following requests need to be submitted via Osiris Case in Osiris Student: 

  • BSc electives (including exemptions for the BSc Elective Space), 
  • Compensation of a B2/B3 course
  • Special exam facilities with regard to a functional impairment
  • Postponement thesis deadline (MSc)
  • RSM Master Career course exemption (eg Your Future Career)
  • Master Free Elective outside RSM (or RSM core course as MFE)
  • BSc course exemption request
  • Master Thesis Confidentiality (please note that you need to email [email protected] first, as you cannot start this case yourself)
  • Transition BScIBA to BScBA (incl. course exemption requests)
  • Extension validity partial grade(s) Bachelor

If you are not a student at RSM, you can send your request by e-mail to [email protected].

An official request must be motivated and accompanied by all relevant documents. Please note: a (certified copy of a) certificate, grade transcript or diploma will not be accepted in digital form, instead it has to be submitted in its original form to the Examination Board for verification.

Be explicit in addressing the Examination Board. When a course is involved, mention the course’s title, the teacher responsible, and the course’s code. When a test or examination is involved, mention the course’s title and code, the teacher, and the date. Once again, being explicit and clear in your letter helps handling it expediently. Finally, always provide motivation as to why the request is submitted.

You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail when your request is processed. You may expect a decision of the Examination Board within approximately 4 weeks. For more complicated requests, where multiple people are involved in the decision making process, or in the busy months of July and August, it might take longer than 4 weeks to come to a decision. We ask for your understanding.